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 Because we have had such a mild winter here at the farm, we’ve had plenty of time to get outside and work… well… play a little, too! The garden prep is moving steadily along with the leading of Betty (a.k.a. Grandma) and her little helpers of children and chickens.  With the chickens being such a great help, scratching and fertilizing the garden space they have been outstanding producers through the winter… gracing us with up to 7 dozen eggs a day!  The giving and receiving relationship with our animals is a gift and we are grateful for their contribution to the sustenance of our farm.








We are in the works of building a new brooder for all the broiler chicks we will be raising this season.  Our first chicks will be arriving the week of March 12th!  Look for a broiler schedule and pre-order form coming soon on our website.


Farm Fresh Eggs!

Farm Fresh Eggs!

We are also eggcited to mention that we are in the process of planning a family friendly event at the farm!  Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 7th for the first annual Four Corners Farm Easter Eggstravaganza! Keep up to date with what is happening by signing up for our Newsletter by clicking here.

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