Dave is our “Gopher” – he likes to run errands to town, make feed runs (we purchase our feed from Sunrise Farm in Stuarts Draft, VA), and help get things from around the farm. Dave also handles most of our bookkeeping and accounting, as his background is in banking. One other thing he enjoys thoroughly: being the yard man and “Mr. Clean”. Dave loves keeping a nicely maintained yard, and is also known to help out with the dishes… A LOT! And one of his favorite farm jobs is cleaning all our eggs! He also happens to be Betty’s husband, Carolyn’s Dad, and Grandpa Dave to the four Reilly children. Much of his time is spent hanging out with his grandchildren: reading great books or playing his guitar with them! Enjoy getting to know a little more about Farmer Dave!
Carolyn: When you were little, did you ever have a desire to farm or live on the land?
Dave: To live on the land, yes. I always wanted to live in the mountains somewhere-love the views and the terrain.
Carolyn: What did you dream of being when you grew up?
Dave: Professional musician or professional baseball player.
Carolyn: Where were you raised?
Dave: Phoenix, AZ.
Carolyn: What kind of outdoor things did you do?
Dave: Bike riding, softball, tetherball, mowed lawns in the summer for a living & washed cars at my Dad’s car dealership. Camping throughout AZ.
Carolyn: Have you always enjoyed being outside?
Dave: Yes.
Carolyn: What has been your occupation most of your adult life?
Dave: Commercial banking.
Carolyn: What was your hope or goal in retirement?
Dave: Primary hope was to continue serving God through various ministries I have been associated with.
Carolyn: Has your current retirement situation dampened your goals or expectations?
Dave: It has only changed some of the ways I serve. While in FL, I was involved in Prison ministry, but here that would take too much time because of distance/location. But, things I am doing I love – playing the guitar at church, facilitating Bible studies, helping in Celebrate Recovery – all areas that have somewhat replaced my passion in Prison ministry. My goals have just shifted… more local ministry and mission.
Carolyn: What is one of the most challenging parts of farming?
Dave: Hmmm… Understanding and managing animals. It’s learning a whole new occupation that is much more complicated than what people think.
Carolyn: What is one of the best parts of farming?
Dave: It’s so natural, it’s the oldest occupation, rewarding! Amazing to see what God has done in nature that causes things to grow, which in turn provides for our need of food.
Carolyn: What do you think makes our farm different than the typical American farm?
Dave: We don’t use chemicals (fungicides, pesticides, herbicides) or anything that contains GMO’s.
Carolyn: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
Dave: Right here!
Carolyn: Thank you for sitting down with me!