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Every year, we look forward to our “Dinner and a Movie” night at the farm.  A time for people to come together and enjoy a delicious potluck meal – food prepared by a variety of people, showcasing their favorite dishes – eating outdoors in the glorious Spring weather.  For the last two years, we have shown the movie, Fresh!  This year we considered showing another movie that documents the reality of the food industry and the local food movement.  Ian and I previewed a couple such films, but none compared to the beauty and truthfulness that Fresh! reveals about foodFresh! is full of hope and empowerment for all people.  We all have something in common – we all eat.  Won’t you consider joining us for our third annual Dinner and A Movie?  

THIS Sunday, May 19th at 6:30pm

Please bring a dish to share!

Check out the movie trailer!


Click FreshPoster2013 to download a flier to print & share!

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