Have you wanted to add to your Backyard Chicken flock or START your OWN?
We have a variety of well loved layers for SALE!
Available are an assortment of Barred Rocks, Black Australorps, Rhode Island Reds and Ameraucanas.
They range in age, from 2 – 3 years old, and still have some life and eggs left in them, though we cannot guarantee them. We are clearing out their space to install a number of bird houses to attract rare species.
These layers have been lovingly raised on pasture and fed a locally grown non-GMO feed.
Hens are $5 each or buy 4 and get a Rooster for FREE!
Backyard Chicken SALE through January!
Contact us via email or call the farm at 334-1044 or Farmer Ian at 488-4903 for more information or to schedule a pick-up time.