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Jonas has been out of town enjoying friends and family back in our home state of Florida.  We’re super-glad he’s back home safe and back on the farm front as he’s grown into such a strong helper around here!  Be sure and come by and visit him this coming Saturday at the Grandin market!

Visit us in Roanoke at the Grandin Village Community Market THIS Saturday, August 13th, 8AM-Noon!

We will be delivering pre-orders for Grass-Only BEEF, Chicken, EGGS and Range-Raised PORK, as well as LOCAL coffee & HONEY to the Grandin Village Community Market (2080 Westover Avenue SW, Roanoke – raised terrace behind the Co-op) on  Saturday, August 13th, from 8AM to Noon.  Pre-orders are filled in the order they are received and are accepted up until 8pm on Friday, August 12th. 

Use Our Easy and Convenient Online Order Form!

Our order form is updated as we sell products and receive more items in stock.

Click the button below to view our current product availability and to place your order!

Place Your Order NOW!

Four Corners Farm grows real, nutritionally dense food, caring for the land and the animals – working to bring you great food – from farmers you can trust!  We provide only the very best, locally grown Non-GMO feed, fresh pasture, and clean water for all of our animals which insures that your chicken, pork, beef, and eggs are nourishing and, simply put, better than the store-bought eggs and meats from who knows where. We never use artificial fertilizers, chemicals, or pharmaceuticals.

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