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Many of you know that we’re adamantly against the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). On Monday, October 31, we had an encounter with surveyors who entered our property without permission. We escorted them off our land and informed them of a letter we sent to MVP which clearly stated our position: no trespassing! There is a VA statute that favors gas companies, however, this code (56-49.01) is currently awaiting a VA Supreme Court trial (record #: 160630) connected to the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP). Both the ACP and MVP are NOT Virginia Public Service Corporations and because of that fact, we believe they do NOT have the right to enter property without landowner consent.

You can watch Monday’s video HERE. Surveyors came back the following day and entered our property on Tuesday, November 1. You can watch Tuesday’s video HERE.

We have been fighting for two years now and there is still much to do in our efforts to STOP the proposed MVP. We will not back down! We are water protectors and land caretakers, we stand in solidarity with all #pipelinefighters and especially #standingrock!

News coverage of an interview and trespassing can be found HERE and HERE

This pipeline has interrupted our life and our farm for over two years now. We are not alone… we know how frustrating and violating it feels to find strangers on your land. It is WRONG and it feels like an uphill battle. Landowners need all the support and encouragement people can give. We’re grateful to be a part of Preserve Franklin, a local grassroots group working together to STOP the proposed MVP!  Visit their website to learn how you can get involved and HELP!

You can view other videos and latest happenings through Carolyn’s Facebook page.


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