Water is Life!
This is the cry we have heard over the past year as Indigenous peoples and others joined together at Standing Rock to propel the Water Protector movement. The Virginia DEQ (Dept. of Environmental Quality) recently held public hearings for people to express their concerns for both the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) and Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP). The public comment period is coming to a close, but the entire 401 Clean Water Act process has been extremely rushed. Bold Alliance has had a petition directed to the Governor, the DEQ and the VA State Water Control Board; if you have not signed, please sign by August 22!
Many individuals, groups and organizations have also been asking for a public comment extension on the 401 process. Many documents from both MVP and ACP have not even been released to comment on, leaving us (the citizens) in the dark and unable to give specific feedback on water crossings. Needless to say, it has been frustrating and we’ve felt pushed off and ignored (yet again).
As a family farm, we are personally looking for water protectors who may be interested in coming to visit our farm and learn more about the potential impact the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline could have on the region as well as directly on our land. Are you interested or willing to stand with us and support our effort to defend land and protect water? If so, please complete this simple, online form and we will let you know of upcoming dates and information sessions.
Thank you for standing with us!