Last week, surveyors for the proposed Mountain Valley fracked gas pipeline invaded our family’s farm in Virginia.
We peacefully allowed entry to the pipeline company sub-contractors, but watched their work carefully and monitored through photos and live video feeds throughout the week.
The frustration and outrage at our privacy and property rights being dismissed and ignored for a private company’s benefit continue to fuel our fight against the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). In fact, as I traversed our lower pasture and walked the creek line last Wednesday, a recurring thought came to me yet again: I cannot truly begin to understand just how awful it must have been for the native peoples who walked this same land hundreds of years ago.
To have their lands stolen, their families evicted, kicked out or murdered. I have deep respect and honor for those who have fought bravely to defend what is sacred.
My heart continues to revere the land and water as we focus on honoring and defending what is sacred, not just to me and my family, but to the greater family of all global neighbors and future generations.
We invited local politicians to our property to witness Mountain Valley Pipeline surveyors; click HERE to WATCH Virginia Del. Sam Rasoul, and Congressional candidates Leslie Cockburn, Flo Ketner, Stephanie Cook and Peter Volosin take a stand against the Mountain Valley fracked gas pipeline at Four Corners Farm in Rocky Mount.

From Left to Right: Virginia Congressional candidates Peter Volosin, Leslie Cockburn, Del. Sam Rasoul, landowner Carolyn Reilly, Flo Ketner, Stephanie Cook, Mike Carter, and Ian Reilly at Four Corners Farm in Rocky Mount, VA.
We’re encouraged to see so many elected officials and folks running for office taking a stand with landowners who are fighting to protect our land, water and climate.