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Grandin Village Community Market Pre-Order

Grandin Village Community Market Pre-Order

Our season is officially off and running!  With our first chicken processing under our belt, we’re warming up to all that our farm season brings us – the ups and downs that go hand in hand when working with nature.  Our greatest lesson has been that we...
Extended TIME to SAVE!

Extended TIME to SAVE!

Want to get FRESH chicken and SAVE MONEY??  We have extended our Pre-order Pastured Poultry opportunity to be sure and offer this savings to our customers far and wide!  Have questions or want to know if we can deliver your reserved birds?  Contact us...
Grandin Community, Here We Come!

Grandin Community, Here We Come!

We’re Baaaack!  Us farmers who travel to the city every week in hopes of seeing old and new faces, with goals of selling our wares of hard work… It’s just us; everyday people who seek to connect in community and make a difference by raising quality...

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