by Carolyn | Jul 4, 2017 | Farm Market
Fresh Chicken available this weekend! Limited availability of chicken parts and whole chickens, so pre-order TODAY! Visit us in Roanoke at the Grandin Village Farmers Market THIS Saturday, July 8th, 8AM-Noon! We will be delivering pre-orders for Pasture-Raised...
by Carolyn | Jun 28, 2017 | Farm Market
Summer mornings are such a joy here around the farm. Enjoying a morning cup of coffee, sitting in the sun and observing the beauty, the wild growth and greenery is deeply satisfying and brings us hope for what is next with our family farm. We are persisting in our...
by Carolyn | Jun 21, 2017 | Farm News
Welcome Summer! The longest day of the year is upon us today. May the light be ever present in your life and may the growth it brings give you health and nurture your bodies… celebrate Summer with our pasture-raised, sunshine-nourished meats! Visit us in...
by Carolyn | Jun 14, 2017 | Farm Market
We’ve got FRESH Chicken available this weekend! Limited availability… be sure and pre-order today! Visit us in Roanoke at the Grandin Village Farmers Market THIS Saturday, June 17th, 8AM-Noon! We will be delivering pre-orders for FRESH Chicken, Grass-Only...
by Carolyn | Jun 1, 2017 | Farm Market, Farm News
Welcome June! Summer is right around the corner… are you ready for grilling season?? Be sure and pre-order hot dogs, sausage and grass only beef to make your summer grillin’ pastured-perfect! Visit us in Roanoke at the Grandin Village Farmers Market THIS...