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We are so grateful for our first season of farming. What a learning experience and a joy it has been! We raised 200 broilers and started a sweet laying flock of hens… 120 to be exact. Many projects have been completed around the farm, but the to do list seems longer than ever, but that is farming life! There is always more we can do for healthy stewardship of the land. As we enter the slower season of winter, our hope is that you will take time to pause, reflect upon the past year. How could you become a better steward of what is given to you? Of your money, time, gifts, etc? How can you support healthy land stewards… farmers who practice sustainable agriculture? As we reflect on our past year, we realize there is more we can do to support our local community and economy. May we always be open to refining our habits for the greater good of the communities we live in, not just in selfish pursuit of our wants.

Thank you to all who supported us in our first year of farming… your help, encouragement, prayers and purchases mean more than we can express in words! From all of us at Four Corners Farm, may your Christmas Season be full of blessings and joy!

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