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Pipeline Fighters

Last month, our family was interviewed by the Associated Press and our story landed in news across the nation.  The response has been humbling.  People have reached out to encourage us and offer hope.  After all, this pipeline fight turned our life upside down in many...

Organ Meats!

Besides the friendship and beautiful views, one of the other great things about being interns at Four Corners Farm is access to plenty of organ meats! I had a difficult time sourcing quality organ meat in Ohio so having plenty here is a nice change. I am still...

Roanoke Winter Delivery Schedule

Roanoke Winter Delivery Schedule Our Farm Store is OPEN through the Winter months – Friday and Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm or by appointment (simply give us a call at 334-1044 or email). We will be making deliveries to the pick up locations listed below.  Look...

Spring is in the Air!

Can you smell it?  Can you see it? Here at the farm, we are all excited and ready for Spring to arrive!  Our Winter has been quiet, restful, and fairly peaceful… we are looking forward to all that our 3rd Season of farming will bring our way! Want to see what...

Giving Thanks

We are so grateful for our first season of farming. What a learning experience and a joy it has been! We raised 200 broilers and started a sweet laying flock of hens… 120 to be exact. Many projects have been completed around the farm, but the to do list seems...

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