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Jumper_PigPhotoSeriesI have no idea where this saying came from.  But I do know that we have a pig who kinda flies… Meet Jumper.  This pig of ours enjoys finding his way out of the fence and wander around our home, over near the Turkeys, and just about anywhere.  Then, we see him.  We head outside, walk over towards him and he makes his way over to the fence, takes a look at us and then turns to gracefully leap (yes, leap!) over the fence.  Once in the designated pig area, he turns to look at us and it’s almost as though he takes a little bow!  Oh, the fun and true joys of raising pigs on pasture!

Another way our pigs are flying is off the freezer shelves!  Check out our latest range raised pork cuts, including pork chops (boneless and bone in), pork breakfast sausage, sausage links, ribs, and pork belly.  You can view an up to date inventory listing on our Products and Pricing page.  Pre-order for a market pick up or come on out and see the pigs fly at Four Corners Farm!

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