by Carolyn | Dec 24, 2017 | Holiday
Through the twists and turns of this past year, we’ve arrived to a season of rest and rejuvenation for our family. The darkness and cold outdoors calls us inward, to reflect and ponder. We certainly have much to think on and consider as a family; over our years...
by Carolyn | Dec 14, 2017 | Farm Market
Winter weather is blowing in… we’ve enjoyed gathering around our wood stove and sharing (mostly) quiet evenings together. Our latest addition to the family, puppy Koda, has certainly kept things lively and fun. After a long, emotional, & tumultuous...
by Carolyn | Nov 16, 2017 | Farm Market
We’ve had a BUSY day today… our Turkey Team rocked it and we processed over 80 birds who were raised with love and care on our land here at Four Corners Farm. We’re so grateful for the folks who came out and helped us harvest turkeys for your table!...