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New Smoked Sausages!

New Smoked Sausages!

  We’re thrilled to announce two new sausages from our range-raised pigs!  Smoked and delicious in every bite, both the Polish Kielbasa and Bratwurst are available in a pack with 4 links.  These are excellent grilled out or simply fried in a pan!  Cost is $12...
Pork Shank Stew

Pork Shank Stew

This recipe was born out of a need for slow-cooker lunch recipes.  We have begun our fall home education this past week, and I’ve been in search of simple, slow cooker recipes.  I decided to put on my creative hat and make up my own – everyone enjoyed it...
Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday

Every Tuesday during the warmer seasons, we have a Taco Salad-Bar for our lunch… This make menu planning easy and Taco Tuesday just rolls right off the tongue, too! We use either chicken, pork or ground beef – of course it’s locally sourced –...

Rub a Rub Rub

Rub a Rub Rub! Posted on 21 May 2012 by Carolyn in Farm Store, Pasture Poultry, Recipes. What was that?  Rub?  Yes.  A Rub.  Simple word isn’t it?  Ever thought of giving your fresh chicken a rub?  A homemade rub is a simple way to flavor it up before you bake, roast...

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